Sunday, May 20, 2007

Brand New Heart

so yesterday
was my first local

went with nina.

it was wonderful.

a bunch of choirkids were there
and two were singers in bands.
it was fun to see my friends on stage
having fun
and my friends not on stage
beating the crap out of each other.

the starfish sang
and it melted my heart.

what a wonderful first day of summer.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


so i saw the movie
snakes on a plane
for the first time

i didn't think it
was really scary.
more creepy
and corny.

but hilarious in an unintentional way.

my family and i placed bets on who would die.

i won, with the dog and the snobby guy.
my dad lost, with the rapper and mr. samuel.

everybody knows that mr.jackson can't die
until he's had a chance
to say

"i've had it with these mutha*bleep*ing snakes on this mutha*bleep*ing plane.
now i'm gonna open some *bleep*ing windows."

Friday, May 11, 2007


choir awards banquet.
it was entertaining
mainly due to gag awards.

i came home with two very serious
best freshman soprano two
most versatile singer
and i was elected to
be a librarian.

my librarian package included a super soaker, weapons, asprin, and candy.

however, i was sad.
my opposing candidate, the the
had her gorgeous boyfriend
see her lose.

i was concerned that that would create
a rift in our friendship.

but she smiled and said it was okay
and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

hey, she got the biggest flirt award.

i also managed to get my
choir letter for those
ugly jackets.

so a good night,
saying goodbye
to the starfish
i admire.