Never Resting Time
warped tour was soooo totally worth the 5 hour drive.
the first band I saw was technically chiodos-
though i only stayed for we're gonna have us a champagne jam
-mainly cause escape the fate was coming on and I like them more.
they're fantastic by the way, only the singer needed to wear a better belt
since when he came up from a kneel he mooned us all.
i heard my favorite song by them though,
my apocalypse.
and it was my first mosh pit.
then i went to see funeral for a friend play acoustically,
which was very good.
he can sing way well.
it wasn't crowded, which was sad cause
they're a marvelously underrated band.
The myspace tent got a lot more crowded
for the paramore acoustic show, which was
hayley even surprised me by knowing
which key she was playing in.
they tuned down from
c sharp to c by the way.
then i went and stood by
the funeral for a friend stage and
waited for them to come on.
it was worth it because i was
like two people from the stage.
another marvelous show by them, no mooning this time.
it was a shame cause they had to stop in the
middle of red is the new black because
of some not-so-nice moshers.
it played out like this:
one obviously boozed-up mosher pushes another guy
out into the crowd and is beating hard on him.
security hop the fence and try to split it up.
matt says something like
"what the fuck is going on here? if you can't play nice, don't play at all."
all in all very good and fun.
after that set i met a girl.
i think her name was karen
but i couldn't hear anything so i might be wrong.
we talked until paramore came on.
superfantastic I might add.
i had to leave after them though
because my sister got ill.
it sucks that I had to miss
boys like girls and
but i did get shirts.
then we hung around st.augustine for a day and then i came home.
i'm going back next year for sure.