Thursday, November 30, 2006

Smile Like You Aren't Faking

i don't know what to write today
here is my schedule
if you care

first period, algebra 1
but it's honors so i don't feel stupid
i failed the class with flying colors
two years ago
it's hard in there
for the firefly resides
in the diagonal from me
acting like she knows
i am okay

second choir
the people there love me
and are a second family
any barriers there are broken
and melody streams
and voices connect
and life begins
and ends

i sit alone
with a book
most recently twilight

third, history/hilarity
most funny class
watched Schindler's List today
gunshots and blood
horror and fascination
that was the holocaust
in brief

english last
my gift and talent
but nobody else in there
has either
so the words are stagnant
and while i'm sleeping
or dreaming my work
is passed about for all
to take

then i walk home
which is a story
in and of itself

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